Should the board decide a company’s strategy, or should senior leaders propose a strategy for the board to vote on? Neither. The best approach is an iterative one. Harvard Business Review [...]
Most people can give an example of a time they received harsh criticism. Receiving feedback can be difficult and overwhelming – especially if said feedback is critical of you and your behaviours. [...]
Some leaders seem to have ESP. With a little effort, these businesspeople can sus out an organization’s unwritten rules, the necessary steps to get things done, its hidden landmines, and the [...]
Anyone in a management or supervisory role is a leader, but not everyone in those positions exhibits true leadership. Think of leadership as next level management. The best leaders take their [...]
You’ve heard the saying, “Lead, follow or get out of the way.” Make your communication even more effective by doing all three – in that order. Lead by laying out your message headline. Then [...]